On March 1st, in Santiago de Compostela, the initial meeting of the European project SOSFood (Sustainability Optimization for Secure Food Systems) was held. It aims to accelerate the ecological transition of food systems using the great potential of data exploitation technologies and Artificial Intelligence, promoting the development of predictive tools.

The consortium is made up of a total of 17 entities from all over Europe, including five from Galicia: DATAlife, Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento Rural (AGADER), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Universidade de Vigo (UVigo) and Grupo Cuevas.

This new project is an unprecedented effort in the European Union (EU) to address the growing environmental emergency and transform the food value chain in Europe, putting it on a path towards sustainability and efficiency. In other words, it will try to provide relevant information to all the actors involved to facilitate their decision-making on the food products on the market.

What do we want to achieve with this project?

An interdisciplinary analysis of the food system will be carried out at SOSFood, involving specialists from the European environment in health, nutrition, economy and the environmenty. The results will be aimed at all actors in the value chain and, importantly, the end consumer, together with a set of recommendations based on scientific evidence, aimed at guiding future EU policies.

With the aim of validating the feasibility and representativeness of the analysis methods and algorithms developed, the project will carry out three use case studies in three different European scenarios:

  • Galicia: representing an autonomous area
  • Athens: representing a metropolitan area
  • Lithuania: representing a national area

This will be the culmination of an initiative that is presented as a significant milestone in the search for healthy solutions to global food challenges, promoting collaboration between various sectors and using technology to address the complexity of the European food system.

The SOSFood project is supported by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme of the European Commission (EC).