If you want to receive the services we offer from the EDIH DATAlife project, fill out the form to participate. Once we have the basic information about the entity, we will contact you to hold the first meeting.
If you are an SME, a midcap, a large company or a public sector institution, do not hesitate to participate in the EDIH DATAlife project. Discover the services we offer to find out which ones best suit your needs.
The project
The EDIH DATAlife project focuses on implementing disruptive technologies in validation and demonstration phases with great potential to increase the competitiveness of Galician companies and public administration, but little widespread at present. It is, therefore, necessary to support companies – especially SMEs – to facilitate their knowledge and adoption. The services will be collected in a catalogue and free for SMEs.
These will include advice for implementing new technologies and proofs of the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI), High-Performance Computing (HPC), or Internet of Things (IoT)
Increase the competitiveness of enterprises, and especially SMEs, through the adoption of AI and Big Data technologies, promoting the creation of federated data spaces and their collaborative exploitation.
Sharing best practices with other regions through its experts committee, with ambassadors at national and international level, and with strategic relations with the participation in DIHs collaboration networks.
Be a one-stop shop for services, providing companies with access to advanced digital solutions through modern infrastructures for experimentation and technology validation.
Ongoing activities

Sectoral task forces
We are doing meeting forums that will serve to map existing sectoral needs.

Open calls
Here you can find all the necessary information about the existing calls.

Indicative map of the available infrastructures of the entities that are part of the EDIH DATAlife project.

Detailed report of the gap between training needs and the current offer in relation to cutting-edge technologies.
Project Information
EDIH DATAlife project
Grant Agreement ID: 101083755
Funded under
1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025
Total Cost (Euros)
EU Contribution (Euros)